What is the Jr. Livestock Auction?
The Jr. Livestock Auction is the final marketplace for animals shown in the Montrose County Fair by our local 4-H and FFA Members. Each 4-H and FFA participant is allowed to sell one animal, unless they have won more than one champion title. In order to qualify for the auction, participants must meet stringent requirements to assure that all animals sold provide the highest quality valley raised meat.
The objective of the Jr. Livestock Auction is to encourage our youth to seek a future in agriculture, and to further their education. Their participation gives them the opportunity to further their leadership, public speaking, animal husbandry, and business knowledge.
How do I Participate?
As a Buyer – The auction is an exciting and rewarding way to participate. All animals sold at the auction are sold by the head, not by weight. There are two ways to purchase at the Jr. Livestock Auction:
1) Attend in person – The auction is an exciting and rewarding way to participate and support local youth.
2) Attend by proxy – If you are unable to attend the auction yourself, a Fair Board Member can be assigned to bid for you through a proxy bid. Contact the Jr. Livestock Auction Chair for further details.
How Does it Work?
If you are interested in participating in the Jr. Livestock Auction, there are a few things to know. First, you must be registered as a buyer. Contact the Auction Chair or the Montrose County Fairgrounds to register. Next, decide how you want to buy:
1) For your own use – you are buying valley raised meat! We highly recommend that you keep the animal for your own use. If you chose this route, you let the check-out team know where you want your animal processed following the auction. Keep in mind that there will be fees associated with the processing of the animal.
2) Buy back – if you do not want to keep the meat, the buy-back option is for you. The Jr. Auction committee has made arrangements with local buyers to purchase the buy-back animals at current market prices. The buy-back amount will be deducted from your final invoice.
What Happens After the Auction?
After the auction has concluded, buyers must check-out. At this time each buyer will be asked:
1) Are you participating in the buy-back program or sending it to the processor?
2) If you are having the animal processed, you will be asked to select a processor. We work with three awesome local processors Good’s Processing, Homestead Meats, and Kinikin Processing. Remember there will be additional costs associated with the processing.
3) Finally, you will be asked for payment. We accept cash, checks, or credit cards. All credit card purchases will have a 3.5 percent convenience fee added to the final bill
Are There Other Ways to Participate?
If you are interested in participating, but don’t want to purchase an animal, there are other ways to support the auction:
1) Add on contributions – If you know the youth participant you want to support, the add-on contributions are a great way to participate. You can add-on money to a participant’s final sale check prior to, during, or after the auction. Only contributions over $250 will be announced during the auction.
2) Stockmen’s Buyers Club – If you are interested in supporting the kids, but not necessarily a specific one, the Buyers Club is a great option. Your annual membership fees go to assuring each animal going through the auction sells for a minimum price. For more information on the Buyers Club visit montrosecountyfairandrodeo.com
Grand Champion Market Beef raised by Karlee Brack and purchased by DL Ranches LLC for $15,500.00
Grand Champion Market Lamb raised by MaKayla Millsap and purchased by Cold Canyon Electric for $7,000.00
Grand Champion Market Swine raised by Rilynn Kimble and purchased by Elderado Financial for $5,250.00
Grand Champion Market Goat raised by MaKayla Millsap and purchased by Skip Huston Construction $2,750.00
Grand Champion Market Poultry raised by Madison Field and purchased by Bolinger & Queen for $2,500.00
Grand Champion Market Rabbit Pen of 3 raised by Riley Kinser and purchased by High Country Hauling for $1,250.00
Grand Champion Market Rabbit raised by Colton Vidmar and purchased by Maven Construction for $2,000.00
Junior Livestock Committee:
Chad Dunlap – Chair
Auction Information:
Saturday, July 27th
Lunch at 11:00AM and Auction at 1:00PM
Montrose County Event Center
1036 North 7th Street
Montrose, CO
Buyer Registration – 970-964-2180
2023 Jr. Livestock Auction Buyers and Add-on Contributors
20 Sleeps West Real Estate
Acme Radiator & Heavy Equipment
Alexander Quarter Horses
All Pro Construction
Amber & Steve Patterson
American Ag Credit
American Legion Post 24
Anglers Earthworks
Aspen Glen Farm
Bar A Bar LLC
Basque Sheep Shearer
Black Canyon Aggregate
Black Canyon Ranches
Bob & Karen Nicholson
Bolinger & Queen
Builders First Source
C&T Land & Property
Christie Family Enterprises
Citizen State Bank
Cohick Engineering & Constulting
Colorado Fireside Inc
Colorado Outdoors
Colorado West Insurance
Darby Enterprises Inc.
Delta Sales Yard
Deti Repair Service
Devor & Plumhoff LLC. Attorney’s at Law
Diane Lund Family
Doug Cox
Drew Abbott
EGR Ranch LLC.
Elderado Financial
Fletches Farming
Fred Penasser
Frigetto & Frigetto Farms
Frigetto Hay Service
Gary & Rhonda Patterson
Goods Processing
Grand Valley Bank
Grant Spraying
Gray Dirt Work
Gunnison Materials
Guy Gard Family
H&R Block
Halls Auction Service
Harmons Goats
Harvest of Hope
Hawks Express
Haynes Excavation
High Country Hauling
High Country Hauling
High Desert Haulers LLC
Home Loan State Bank – Montrose
Horsefly Creek Veterinary Services
HP Cattle & Horses
Humdingers Travel Shoppe
Infinity Engraving
Iron Indastries
J & Ray Outfitters
Jack & Phyllis Haynes
Jared and Laura Castle
Jeremy and Kelsey Castle
John Zarkis
Joy Hamilton
Judy Snyder
Justin Covington
Kari Kishiyama
KBH Ranches
Kim Manganello
Kopper Creek Building
Kuboske Company, Inc.
Lambert & Associates
Lazy JD Meats
Lazy K Bar Land & Cattle
Lone Eagle Land Brokerage
Master Petroleum / Rhinehart Oil
Matt Calhoun, CPA, LLC
Mattics Orchards
Maven Construction LLC
McCant’s Home Maintenance & Repair
McDonald’s of Montrose
Melanie Medina
MGR Boer Goats
Mike Hostetler
Montrose Forest Products
Montrose Implement
Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply
Navarro Cattle Company
Niagara Cattle
Norris Snell- Boren Team
Norris-Snell Real Estate
NRL Painting & Services
NuVista Credit Union
Parish Oil Company, Inc.
Parker Consultants & Accountants
Paul & Bev Castle
Producers COOP – Montrose
Recla Metals
REMAX Alpine View
Rocky Mountain Aggregate & Construction
Rounds & Brooks, CPAs
Sanchez Family
Scott Kimble
Scott’s Printing
Seymour Feedlot
Shea Trucking
Silver Back Industries
Sisson’s Feed & Ranch Supply
Skip Huston Construction
Star Drive In
Steve & Jody Hovde
Summers Properties
T & D Properties
The McGarry Family
The Stone House
Timberline Bank
Trent & Cheryl Snyder
Troy Frigetto
Turner GMC – Chevrolet
Twenty Sleeps West Real Estate
Uncompahgre Cattlemens Association
United Country Realtor
US Tractor & Harvest INC.
Valley Restoration & Construction
Werner Farms
Wes & Stacy Goza
West Slope Farm & Ranch
Western Colorado Property Specialists, LLC
Western Gravel, INC
Western Slope Radiator
Your Team at NHV
Total Proceeds , $653,760.00
Thank you for your continued support!